“The Life Of Pi” is undeniably a breathtakingly beautiful
film. Director Ang Lee is a safe pair of hands (cf “Brokeback Mountain”,
“Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”) to which to entrust the translation of a
reputedly unfilmable novel (I have yet to read Yann Martell’s original) into 3D
cinema, and he literally makes the most of its immersive qualities, with
luscious seascapes, and heart-stopping sequences of underwater peril as hero
Piscine (charmingly played by newcomer Suraj Sharma) battles with unforgiving
nature after a ship-wreck. The tiger with whom he is stranded on a lifeboat is
rendered in flawless CGI, and the pre-catastrophe Indian story, in which the
young Pi experiments with several different religious ideas, is classical in its
elegance. Perhaps my slight reservations stem from the simple fact that the
framing sequences featuring the older, sadder, wiser Pi (Irfan Khan) telling
his story to a blocked author (Rafe Spall) detract from the “jeopardy” element
of the story (we know he survives), forcing us to concentrate on the
philosophical aspects, which are presumably simplified. If the authors aim to
conclude that religion is all about fanciful stories which help make the brutal
realities of life bearable, then it’s hardly an original observation. The journey,
however, is reward in itself – which is probably the point, now I come to think
of it.
Labels: ang lee, cinema, film, life of pi, review